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Coloplast - Mentor MT-450 Straight Tip Self Cath Catheters in Curved Packaging

Coloplast - Mentor MT-450 Straight Tip Self Cath Catheters in Curved Packaging
(2 reviews)  

Price isn't all that matters when you are considering buying Coloplast - Mentor MT-450 Straight Tip Self Cath Catheters in Curved Packaging, excellent customer service is priceless!


The Mentor Straight Tip Self Cath Catheters at Sportaid come in curved packaging, and we have the best price on all these Coloplast originals. The sterile Mentor Straight Tip Self Cath Catheters are just what you need for clean intermittent and general catheterization. Mentor Straight Tip Self Cath Catheters are sold in a box of 50 urethral catheters that are individually seals and make from medical grade plastic.

Catheters Sizes:

  • MT-450 14Fr 16" funnel end
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Average customer rating:
(2 reviews)  

2 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
James Coats
Jun 16, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I have been using Mentor MT-450 Catheters for years, i'm used to using them.

Advantages: The plastic is rigid for easy insertion.
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Mar 28, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I have a spinal cord injury, L1 complete. I have always used the Mentor catheters, now under the Coloplast name. Never had any problems with them in the 20 years of use. My employee insurance deductible increased another $500.00 this year, so, as of 2017 buying my catheters from Sportaid actually lowers my out of pocket costs versus using my insurance...go figure. I have used Sportaid for over 10 years. They are the best in my book.

Advantages: The curved packaging fits just right in the Sportaid Deluxe Wheelchair Seat Pouch Bags (stock number: SP-N867)
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