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Slime Wheelchair Tire Sealer

Price is not the only factor to consider when buying Slime Wheelchair Tire Sealer, the fast delivery from Sportaid is a crowd pleaser!


All punctures as large as 1/8" in diameter in the tread area can be sealed by Slime Wheelchair Tire Sealer, the flat preventor/eliminator. This tire sealer works with just one application, and it works over and over. Slime sealer is scientifically intened to maintain pressure for the tire's lifetime. You can squeeze SLIME Tire Sealer into the tire through the valve stem. SLIME Tire Sealer installed into the tire in liquid form and, unlike others, remains liquid until centrifugal force kicks in and evenly distributes it. Fibro•Seal technology seals the punctures on your tire as they occur when the escaping air forces SLIME Tire Sealer into place.

  • Formulated to last the life of the tire
  • One application of tire sealer works and seals repeatedly
  • Slime tire sealers seals all punctures up to 1/8" diameter
  • 8 oz Bottle
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