Price is not the only thing that matters when it comes to buying Matrx Kidabra Cushion, live customer service is priceless!
Sportaid has got the Matrx Kidabra Cushion, and it is here for you. With real world pressure reduction, supreme positioning and major comfort, the Matrx Kidabra Cushion is properly suited for users at moderate to high risk of skin breakdown. The Matrx Kidabra Cushion features pre-ischial contour, trochanteric shelf, and beveled front-end for that extra comfort and support.
- Anatomically designed molded Visco-elastic/HR foam combination includes pre-ischial contour, trochanteric shelf, beveled front-end
- Moisture resistant, zippered inner cover protects foam and allows easy access for cushion modification
- Moisture resistant/breathable outer cover available in appealing Kid*ab*ra or black fabric
- Optional Pelvic Obliquity Kit/ Leg Length Discrepancy/Seat Depth Reduction
- Lightweight, maintenance free