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Kenda Kobra Wide Knobby Wheelchair Tires 24" x 2" (50-540) pair

Kenda Kobra Wide Knobby Wheelchair Tires 24" x 2" (50-540) pair
(4 reviews)  

Price is not the only thing that matters when it comes to buying Kenda Kobra Wide Knobby Wheelchair Tires, live customer service is priceless!

Grab a pair of Kenda Kobra Wide Knobby Wheelchair Tires from Sportaid to get the best value. The 24 x 2" (50-540) Kenda Wide Knobby Wheelchair Tires operate at 80psi. You are sure to find some Kenda Wide Knobby Wheelchair Tires that suit your style with the color options Gray Tread with red or blue sidewall and Black Tread with black tread.
Latex Free 
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Average customer rating:
(4 reviews)  

4 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Gregory Stoneman
Aug 28, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Great replacement for stock 1" wheel chair tires. Gets through grass and gravel much better.
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Paul Shaw
Mar 26, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I've been using these tires for several years now and I love them. The light middle tread rolls freely and is easy on the hands (& carpet) while the width is great on the grass or gravel outside.
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Tammy Thom
Jan 5, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
My customer was very pleased to get replacement tires to replace his worn ones. The price was reasonable and shipping as well.

Advantages: Good Indoor and Outdoor. lasted well under heavy usage.
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Rod l Kasiah sr
Dec 8, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Freaked me out the way i could float on the sand and rocks here in the desert s.w. I put in some slime tubes no flats. I stay away from the cacti and mesquite thorns, but all in all I will stick with these tires, plus they look great , I get many compliments on them.

Advantages: Does not pull up the carpets, dirt and sand comes off usually on the ramp unless wet.

Disadvantages: None so far I've used them since June now it's december.
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