Jay Ion Wheelchair Cushion

Jay Ion Wheelchair Cushion
(1 reviews)  

Price isn't all that matters when you are considering buying Jay Ion Wheelchair Cushion, excellent customer service is priceless!

 The Ion wheelchair cushion features a dual-layered foam base for a combination of structural support and comfort. For optimized immersion for each individual, the foam's firmness is determined by the cushion width, which directly corresponds with client weight.  The top layer of soft visco foam wheelchair seating conforms to each individual and distributes weight over a larger area for pressure reduction and maximum comfort.  Wt capacity: 300 lbs. Widths of 22-24" have weight capacity of 500lbs.



  • The inner moisture-resistant polyurethane-coated cover is made with Lycra®. This remarkable material allows the cover to easily stretch and conform to the individual's shape. Without the ability to stretch, there is always the potential for surface-tension pressure to develop under the user's ischial tuberosities, which can increase the potential of a tissue breakdown.
  • Because the inner foam is not the only place odors are a problem, the Ion's outer X-static® cover is impregnated with silver. Silver helps eliminate bacteria and also binds with ammonia and denatured proteins to accelerate the odor reduction process.
  • The firmness of each JAY Ion cushion is determined by the user's width. It makes little sense for a lightweight user to sit on a stiff cushion, or a heavy user to sit on a overly soft cushion. For this reason, narrow JAY Ion cushions are less firm, and wide JAY Ion cushions are more firm.
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Cushion Size (Width x Depth)  
Extra Outer Cover  
Extra Inner Cover  

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Average customer rating:
(1 reviews)  

1 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Mark Richard
Nov 2, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I use this cushion with a memory foam for Hight and extra cushion and it is pretty good considering I use it for a backup, and not a primary. I need the roho high profile for that. This is the perfect guarantee for a cushion backup.
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 Dual-Layered Foam Base with Varying Firmness
Dual-Layered Foam Base with Varying Firmness

The Ion wheelchair cushion features a dual-layered foam base for a combination of structural support and comfort. For optimized immersion for each individual, the foam's firmness is determined by the cushion width, which directly corresponds with client weight.

Visco™ Memory Foam Top Layer

The Ion's top layer of soft, Visco memory foam wheelchair seating conforms to each individual and distributes weight over a larger area for pressure reduction and maximum comfort.

 Visco™ Memory Foam Top Layer
 Innovative Dual-Cover System
Innovative Dual-Cover System

For convenience and protection, the JAY Ion features a dual-cover system. The water-resistant inner cover is easy to clean and includes anti-wicking seam thread and Aqua-guard zipper for foam protection. The machine-washable, stretch outer cover utilizes naturally anti-microbial, silver-impregnated X-static® fiber. A layer of 3DX spacer fabric promotes airflow for additional skin protection.

The Ion's outer cover now includes a handle for easy removal, zipper cover flap for a clean look, waterfall seams for enhanced comfort, and a QR scan code on the label for quick access to this web page.

Starting Retail Price $395
Product Type Foam Cushion
HCPCS Code E2607/E2608
Width Range 14" to 24"
Depth Range 14" to 24"
Product Weight 3.5 lbs. (18x18)
Height 4"
Weight Capacity 14" to 21" widths: 300 lbs.
22" to 24" widths: 500 lbs.
Base Multi-layered foam base with optimized densities by width and soft Visco memory foam top layer
Insert N/A
Inner Cover Dartex® coated Lycra® with Aquaguard zipper and anti-wicking thread
Outer Cover X-static® silver thread stretch
JAY Your Way Customizations Available? Yes
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