Mr. randy dean
May 17, 2021
This customer purchased the item at our site.
They light up nice.
Advantages: Makes people smile.
Disadvantages: Being small you should be careful of cracks in some walkways.

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Ms. Gail Goepfert
Nov 22, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I've always had lighted casters on my wheelchair. Everyone loves them! Hey, if I have to be in a wheelchair, why not make it fun!!!

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Aug 31, 2015
This is a nice safety feature when crossing parking lots at night.
Advantages: Safety - need looking.
Disadvantages: It does stop flashing after a while but then most casters do wear out.

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William Rodriguez
Oct 8, 2020
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Excellent product, service, and delivery. I would recommend your products to my fellow associates. One recommendation: ask your customers their chair SN and make (brand). This way they will get the exact model and size. This will prevent product returns for the reason of not fitting their chairs.

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Randy Lavender
Jul 22, 2020
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I Am Paraplegic And Very Active Into Many Sports That Always Keep Me Needing A Very Reliable WheelChair Dealer In Getting Things I Need For My WheelChair, HandCycle,Etc.
Advantages: My Years With SPORTAID DEALER Has Been Very Helpful To All My Sports Equipment And I Truly Recommend SPORTAID To Everyone With A Disability And To Continue Staying Active And On The Go !

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