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Magic Cleanse - A Natural Colon Cleanser

Price is not the only factor to consider when buying Magic Cleanse - A Natural Colon Cleanser, the fast delivery from Sportaid is a crowd pleaser!


A great addition to Sportaid's inventory of digestive products is the Magic Cleanse - A Natural Colon Cleanser. Magic Cleanse Colon Cleanser can assist in producing fuller bowel movements with less difficulty and in less time. By softening the stool and bringing it lower down in the bowel, Magic Cleanse Colon Cleanser improves colon functions. Magic Cleanse brings a complete balance of botanical components to the table which facilitates regularity and cleansing of the digestive tract. Magic Cleanse also employs an enzyme delivery system that can help with the delivery of the botanicals and the weathering of solid waste. You can use Magic Cleanse in conjunction with the Magic Bullets Suppositories or as a single solution. Predicting the Magic Cleanse is easy. It takes effect after 10-12 hours.

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Average customer rating:
(2 reviews)  

2 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Mr. Tane Glaus
Aug 28, 2023
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I’ve been a paraplegic for 50 years now. Unfortunately I got in to high dose of morphine about 25 years ago. This caused constipation. I tried the over the counter stool softeners but they didn’t work for me. I finally read about the Magic Cleanse & Magic Bullet suppository. I followed the instructions on the bottle and found 3 Magic Cleanse capsules per day was too much and settled on 2/day. I do my thing about every 2 days. I position on the toilet and insert a Magic Bullet and typically things start moving well in 15 minutes. I am very pleased with these 2 products.

Advantages: Keeps my stool soft.

Disadvantages: Just making sure I never run out.
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Barbara Chapman
Jun 23, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I have been using Colon Cleanse in conjunction with other laxatives since I have severe constipation. At this time I can't say that it would help without the use of all the others. At least it isn't upsetting my stomach like some of the other cleanses I have tried, so that is a plus. I also use the Magic Bullet, and it is a godsend.
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