Home :: Wheelchair Wheels, Tires, Tubes & Parts :: Wheelchair Tubes :: 24" (540) Wheelchair Tire Tubes :: Wheelchair Heavy Duty Tube 24" x 1-3/8" (37-540) Schrader Valve

Wheelchair Heavy Duty Tube 24" x 1-3/8" (37-540) Schrader Valve

Price isn't all that matters when you are considering buying Wheelchair Heavy Duty Tube 24" x 1-3/8" (37-540) Schrader Valve, excellent customer service is priceless!


Everyday Heavy Duty Wheelchair Tubes are meant for tires that measure 24" x 1 3/8" tires and will fit just about any. These Wheelchair Heavy Duty Tubes are tough enough for more but made for every day use.

  • Schrader Valve
  • Fits most 24" x 1 3/8" tires
  • Great tire tube for every day use
  • Heavy Duty tire tube
  • Priced per each
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Average customer rating:
(3 reviews)  

3 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Mr. D Sayre
Sep 30, 2020
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Terrific tubes!

Advantages: Longer lasting!

Disadvantages: None
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Francisco Gonzalez
Jun 7, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Great product, very useful.
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Alice E Nash
Sep 17, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I really like the Thorn Resistant tubes for my chairs. Not having flat tires is a must.

Advantages: Do not have to worry about flat tires. These tubes are a little more expensive than regular tubes but they are worth it.

Disadvantages: There is no down side to no flat tires.
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