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Urocare UroFoam Adhesive Foam Strips Double Sided

Price is not the only factor to consider when buying Urocare UroFoam Adhesive Foam Strips Double Sided, the fast delivery from Sportaid is a crowd pleaser!



Your external condom catheters must be secured, and Urocare UroFoam Adhesive Foam Strips are just right for that. Urofoam®-2 double-sided adhesive foam strips are soft, pliable foam strips specifically designed for the unique bonding applications of male external catheters to the skin and are suitable for use with both standard and self- adhering type catheters.  They provide a comfortable, air-tight seal.  They are easy to apply and remove so when it comes time to change that catheter, it can be changed easily and quickly.  Latex-free.
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