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Surgilube Lubricant 4.25 oz tube

Price is not the only thing that matters when it comes to buying your new Surgilube Lubricant 4.25 oz tube, great customer service is priceless!


Available in a 4.25 tube, Surgilube Lubricant is the brand of lubricant in which American hospitals place their trust. This 4.25 oz Surgilube Lubricant dissolves in water and is bacteriostatic. Surgilube Lubricant provides for easy and comfortable insertion of catheters, endoscopes, surgical instruments and gloves into body orifices with instant, continuous lubrication. Note: It is important to sanitize the Surgilube Lubricant tip before puncturing, and puncture with a sterile instrument for maintaining sterility.



  • Safe, sterile and compatible with normal tissue surfaces
  • Lubricant washes off easily
  • Surgilube contains chlorhexidine gluconate
  • Surgilube is comparable to K-Y Jelly, which is no longer available
  • Available in two styles: Screw Top tube is made of flexible aluminum or Flip Top tube which is made of plastic


Exclusive Offer for Surgilube Lubricant 4.25 oz tube

  • Save up to 34% on each purchase of Surgilube Lubricant 4.25 oz tube
  • Excellent FREE customer support services


*Screw top version illustrated

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Average customer rating:
(5 reviews)  

5 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Mr. David M Brown
May 15, 2015
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I have used Surgilube for 10 years. I think it is the best brand out there.

My DME dealer supplies me with 1 tube of E-Z lube as allowed by insurance. The E-Z lube is not smooth and silky like Surgilube brand. Makes it a little difficult to completely lube the catheter. Surgilube brand is smooth and silky everytime.

After I run out of the E-Z brand, I use the Surgilube until I resupply with my DME dealer.
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Mr. James Goodrum
Sep 21, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I prefer Surgilube with the bacteriostat as it helps prevent UTI's. I am well satisfied with surgilube for catheterization.
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Apr 20, 2023
Easy to use

Advantages: Easy to use
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Ron Martini
Jun 25, 2020
Lubricate works great and the large tube lasts a long time. Great add on product to get over the minimum order for free shipping.

Advantages: water soluble

Disadvantages: none
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Bill Porter
Sep 11, 2020
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Not much to say needed here. Surgilube is a great lubricant.

Advantages: I bought the tube which is easy for me to use.

Disadvantages: None that I've seen.
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