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Sportaid Wheelchair Tire Covers

Sportaid Wheelchair Tire Covers
(13 reviews)  


Price is not the only thing that matters when it comes to buying your new Sportaid Wheelchair Tire Covers, great customer service is priceless!


By the end of each day, wheelchair tires have usually picked up all kinds of contaminants and debris, Sportaid Wheelchair Tire Covers will protect your floors from whatever the tires may rub off. Also, you won't spread black tire marks once the tire covers are applied.
Using these tire covers make gloves obsolete during indoor use too. Using soft nylon material allows time for your hands to heal when not pushing outdoors.
Protect yourself, protect you family, and protect your home from anything you get into like grease, mud, and dirt with Sportaid Wheelchair Tire Covers.

Fits 24 , 25 , & 26" tires.



  • Sold in pairs
  • Black in color *pictured in Blue 
  • Doesn't spread tire marks on floor


Exclusive Offer for Sportaid Wheelchair Tire Covers

  • Save 26% on each Purchase of Sportaid Wheelchair Tire Covers
  • Excellent Customer Care Support is available free for any query
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Average customer rating:
(13 reviews)  

5 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Meena Kulkarni
Feb 19, 2021
This customer purchased the item at our site.
It is good. Initially I was confused because I couldn’t put it on properly but then someone helped me. It is ok.
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Sharon C Scian
Jan 13, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I was pulling my hair out due to the fact the W/C was really making my floors and walls a mess.

Advantages: Covers are very easy to put on and my floors and walls stay cleaner longer.

Disadvantages: Haven't found any so far...but need some for small front wheels, with snaps perhaps?
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Jan 12, 2018
Great idea! My indoor wheelchair was dropping little bits of the tires all over the house. I thought I would have to replace the large wheels because of it, but then learned that replacement tires cost more than the whole chair! Fortunately, I found this website and purchased the covers, extending the life of the chair for a long time and ending the black rubber specks everywhere.

Advantages: Reasonable price, easy to use, easy to wash, no more black marks on the carpets!

Disadvantages: None. The covers do pick up pet fur, lint, etc., but what doesn't? It's easy to remove the covers and gently wash them.
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Chris Patterson
Jan 1, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
There's not much to these things but they are more durable than they feel. I've had them 2 months, use every day, all day long, they show no signs of wear or tear. I love them.

Advantages: Stops the screeching sound a tire makes on hard floors. Keeps tire from marking up the floor.

Disadvantages: They can cause the chair to slide a little when transferring to/from bed, shower, etc. if you're not careful. A bit high-priced.
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Mary Goodell
Sep 30, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
These tire covers have solved the black mark problem on my mother's carpet. I wish they came smaller for the front tires also. I ordered a second pair and have cut them down. Thanks for a great product.
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