Home :: Wheelchair Gloves :: Sportaid Wheelchair Gloves :: Sportaid Half Finger Full Thumb Wheelchair Gloves with Mesh Back

Sportaid Half Finger Full Thumb Wheelchair Gloves with Mesh Back

Price isn't all that matters when you are considering buying Sportaid Half Finger Full Thumb Wheelchair Gloves with Mesh Back, excellent customer service is priceless!


On days when general wheeling uses are expected, Sportaid Half Finger Full Thumb Wheelchair Gloves are appropriate. The Sportaid Half Finger Full Thumb Wheelchair Gloves come in stylish black with a Cotton Mesh Back, apart from the leather forefinger. The strength and durabilty come from Double Stitched Leather Palm Construction, a Gel Padded Palm, and a Reinforced Thumb Joint. Putting on and taking off the Sportaid Half Finger Full Thumb Wheelchair Gloves is easy with a Velcro Strap Closure featuring a great looking Sportaid Logo. Sizes XS, S, M, L, XL

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(2 reviews)  

2 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Cory Nilsson
Jun 19, 2020
This customer purchased the item at our site.
This is my second pair of Sportaid gloves and my favorite. The gloves are comfortable and a perfect fit. If your size is on the border between two, get the smaller size as the leather will stretch eventually.

Advantages: Cool and comfortable for warm seasons.

Disadvantages: None that I can think of.
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Sherry Craig
Jul 28, 2019
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I LOVE these gloves. I use them when I am out and about in my wheelchair and also when I cycle. I just bought 3 more pair, I have been using them for the last 6 years.

Advantages: They protect my thumbs when I push in my wheelchair.

Disadvantages: The black dye stains my hands, so I will try washing them a few times before using them again.
I would like them to be offered in another color, like beige, but understand that they will look dirty probably in permanence.
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