Home :: Wheelchair Gloves :: Sportaid Wheelchair Gloves :: Sportaid Half Finger Full Thumb Wheelchair Gloves, Lycra w/Padded Palm

Sportaid Half Finger Full Thumb Wheelchair Gloves, Lycra w/Padded Palm

Price is not the only thing that matters when it comes to buying your new Sportaid Half Finger Full Thumb Wheelchair Gloves, Lycra w/Padded Palm, great customer service is priceless!


The perfect addition to general purpose wheeling for hand protection is Sportaid Half Finger Full Thumb Lycra Wheelchair Gloves. The Sportaid Half Finger Full Thumb Wheelchair Gloves employ double stitched lycra construction. for strength and a gel padded palm for a secure grip. The thumb and forefinger of the Sportaid Half Finger Full Thumb Wheelchair Gloves are also reinforced. Any size (XS, S, M, L, XL) will be an easy wear with the Velcro Strap Closure w/Sportaid Logo.

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Average customer rating:
(4 reviews)  

4 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Pleasently Surprised
Jul 30, 2014
I was not happy with the gloves when they first arrived. They left a black residue on my hand. However that stopped quickly and they have turned out to be the best gloves yet. I am tough on gloves and usually after a couple months wear a hole through or split a seam especially leather gloves. Amazingly these gloves are in great shape with little wear and no split seam. They offer a great grip too!. PLEASE make this in a full finger model!!

Advantages: Wear very well.
Great grip.

Disadvantages: No full finger model!
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Mr. Mitch Rein
May 21, 2023
Nice gloves at a fair price. Hatch have been my go-to glove, but these are right up there.
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Marilyn J Leeds
Jun 13, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I have a pair of these gloves and like them so much, I ordered two more pairs.
The Velcro doesn't catch my clothes as much as some others. They are easy to put on and they are cool to wear.

Disadvantages: None.
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Jun 15, 2015
I really like these full thumb gloves. They fit very well and don't leave any black residue on your hands when they get wet, unlike other wheelchair gloves I have tried. The only thing I found annoying about them is that the sizes are a little hard to match up if you are in-between glove sizes and the Velcro wears out fairly quickly (I had to sew new Velcro onto them).

Advantages: Comfortable, lasts a long time, keeps hands clean.

Disadvantages: Velcro wears out quickly, hard to size if you are in-between sizes.
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