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Spinergy Spox Wheelchair Spoke Wrench

Price isn't all that matters when you are considering buying the Spinergy Spox Spoke Wrench, excellent customer service is priceless!


For users of Spinergy Spox Wheels, the Spinergy Spox Spoke Wrench is a must-have. The Spinergy Spox Wheelchair Spoke Wrench set has been crafted for exclusive use with Spinergy Spox Wheelchair Wheels and Spokes, and it is not compatible with Spinergy LX/SLX.  One piece holds the spoke in place while the T wrench fits the nipple of the spoke for adjusting.

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Wheelchair Tube 24" x 1" (20/23/25-540) Schrader Valve
Wheelchair Rim Strip (for one 22", 24", 25" or 26" Rim)
Velox Rim Tape
Spinergy Spox Wheelchair Spokes
Spinergy LX / SLX Spoke Wrench Set
Replacement Stainless Steel Wheelchair Spokes
Average customer rating:
(1 reviews)  

1 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Nov 14, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
This was a referral reference by Sportaid Customer Service when I was ordering replacement spokes. Excellent buy, as I was able to take this to a bike shop (along with spokes and wheels) and they were able to fix my wheels since I had all the necessary parts - including this spoke wrench.

Advantages: Able to do own repairs and/or take parts and tools to bike shop for their assistance. Because of this tool, I was able to get repairs faster - whoo-hoo.

Disadvantages: None known.
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