Home :: Urologicals & Catheters :: Rusch Catheter Supplies & Urologicals :: Rusch Pure Gold Coude Foley Catheter 5cc 12Fr - 24Fr

Rusch Pure Gold Coude Foley Catheter 5cc 12Fr - 24Fr

Price is not the only thing that matters when it comes to buying Rusch Pure Gold Foley Catheter 5cc 12Fr - 24Fr, live customer service is priceless!


The best you can ask for is available with your Rusch Pure Gold Foley Catheter from Sportaid. You get a 5cc balloon - 40 cm (16") long and a PTFE Coated Latex with Coude Tip. The Rusch Pure Gold Foley Catheter employs the two-way single eye. Sterile single use and a color coding system keep the Rusch Pure Gold Foley Catheter simple. Sizes 12 Fr - 24 Fr are available in the Rusch Pure Gold Foley Catheter. Sold Each and Boxes of 10.

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