Home :: Urologicals & Catheters :: Rusch Catheter Supplies & Urologicals :: Rusch Gold Foley Catheter 5cc balloon 12Fr - 24Fr

Rusch Gold Foley Catheter 5cc balloon 12Fr - 24Fr

Price is not the only thing that matters when it comes to buying your new Rusch Gold Foley Catheter 5cc balloon 12Fr - 24Fr, great customer service is priceless!


If you love Rusch Gold Foley Catheters (and who doesn't?), you may interested to hear about the 5 cc balloon version. With the beloved 2 opposed eyes, you can expect everything you else you love about Rusch Gold Foley Catheters: 40 cm (16") length, sterile for single use, and color coded. As you may expect, Sportaid offers Rusch Gold Foley Catheters individually or in a 10 box, in a range of sizes 12 Fr - 24 Fr.


      12 Fr (180705120)     14 Fr (180705140)     16 Fr (180705160)


      18 Fr (180705180)     20 Fr (180705200)     22 Fr (180705220)


        24 Fr (180705240)    



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Average customer rating:
(1 reviews)  

1 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Ron Martini
Mar 29, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I've been using the Rusch Gold Foley Catheters for about 6 months. They work great for me. I used to use silicone but found these are much easier on my urethra.

Advantages: I change them every two weeks and find less build-up on the tip when I remove it than with a silicone catheter.

Disadvantages: I don't have this problem but they may be harder to insert because they are so rubbery for lack of a better term.
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