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Quickie Seat Pouch

Quickie Seat Pouch
(1 reviews)  

Price is not the only factor to consider when buying your new Quickie Seat Pouch, the fast delivery from Sportaid is a crowd pleaser!

The Quickie Seat Pouch is made from a waterproof nylon that is perfect for keeping your personal items such as mobile phone, wallet and caths safe. It has two seperate compartments and will fit most rigid and folding wheelchairs. The Quickie Seat Pouch has quick release clips that make it easy to take on and off of your chair.

Width: 20cm (8")
Height: 15cm (6")
Depth: 7cm (2 1/2")
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1/2" Sealed Wheelchair Fork Stem and Rear Wheel Bearings
Quickie Axle Sleeve
Wheelchair Impact Guards
Quickie Wheelchair Backpack - Adult or Kids
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R6 Bearings (fits 3/8"id caster axles)
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Average customer rating:
(1 reviews)  

1 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Nov 2, 2018
This is a great pouch. The material is thick, the seams don't come apart and is big enough to carry everything you need throughout your day. I have had my pouch for at least 2 years and will probably get at least another 2 years out of it. I would be lost without it.
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