Home :: Wheelchair Accessories :: Wheelchair Brakes :: Quickie Push to Lock Wheelchair Brakes

Quickie Push to Lock Wheelchair Brakes

Price isn't all that matters when you are considering buying Quickie Push to Lock Wheelchair Brakes, excellent customer service is priceless!


The Quickie Push Wheelchair Brakes provide great stopping power for Quickie's high quality wheelchairs, allowing for top performance with no sacrifice of safety. The clamp is optional for Quickie Push Wheelchair Brakes.

Quickie push Wheelchair brakes - price listed is for most standard Quickie wheelchairs.  Some wheelchair models require different styles.  You will be contacted regarding pricing if your wheelchair requires newer/different brakes.

Optional Clamp Available

Price is per pair

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Average customer rating:
(3 reviews)  

3 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
William Bouffard
Sep 9, 2023
These are getting hard to come by but Sportaid always comes through. They work great for my chair and I always know where to get them.
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Sergio Calderon
Jul 4, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I like it, it came in good condition.
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Mr. Matthew Scott
Oct 20, 2015
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Great Brakes For All Quickie Chairs.
They are tight and not loose and last for years!!!!!!!!

Advantages: Keeps your chair from rolling around when you don't want it too!!!!!!!
Great Price.. Cheapest I found for these brakes.

Disadvantages: Wear out after years off abuse.... I guess this could be kind of an advantage rather than an disadvantage!!!!!!
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