Price isn't all that matters when you are considering buying your new RGK All Court Titanium Basketball Wheelchair, excellent customer service is priceless!
Consumers choose RGK for top level sports performance the premium is the RGK Ti All Court, designed to reflect the winning RGK (aluminum) All Court, but improved in weight to durability ratio by a titanium seat-frame. Save 3 pounds on the weight of the chair with titanium. Find your competitive edge with a new range of options on your RGK Ti All Court. Basketball. Quad Rugby. Hockey. Football.
They call it All Court for a good reason. Dominate in any domain. The center mass adjustment is a RGK formerly Quickie patent that lets you dial it in just right. The front caster design and the integral anti-tip stabilizer are among RGK's latest innovations. Basketball wings, 3" micros casters, and 24" rear wheels are all standard on your RGK Titanium Wheelchair. Camber options of 16 or 20 degrees.
**No longer available see Aluminum version #9047**