Home :: Wheelchair Wheels, Tires, Tubes & Parts :: Wheelchair Tires :: Primo Wheelchair Tires :: Primo Extreme Kevlar Wheelchair Tires 24" x 1-3/8" (37-540) pair

Primo Extreme Kevlar Wheelchair Tires 24" x 1-3/8" (37-540) pair

Price is not the only thing that matters when it comes to buying Primo Extreme Kevlar Wheelchair Tires, live customer service is priceless!


Get the kind of strength and durability necessary for a long lasting wheelchair tire from genuine Kevlar. The Primo Extreme Kevlar Wheelchair Tires are gray, non-marking and, hold pressures of 90psi. These Primo Extreme Kevlar Wheelchair Tires measure at 24" x 1-3/8" are priced to sell in pairs at Sportaid.



  • Kevlar for long life
  • Non-Marking
  • Price per pair
  • 90psi



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Average customer rating:
(12 reviews)  

5 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Robert Owens
Oct 14, 2020
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Great customer service like always.
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Paul Melvin
Jan 12, 2020
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I've tried many "high end " brands but come back to these Primos.

Excellent quality and SportAid has the best prices. Highly recommend.

Advantages: Quality, Durability, low maintenance, long lasting.

Disadvantages: None.
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Mr. Steve Bagley
Dec 21, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Thanks, SportAid, the 24x1 3/8" Kevlar tires and tubes are the Greatest...I am on the move a tremendous amount of time every day and the tires mentioned lasted me over a year...I wore them down to the threads but these tires take a beating and never once had a flat with the thorn resistant tubes. Thanks again for keeping this product out there.

Advantages: Long lasting, never had any flat tires with the thorn resistant tubes.

Disadvantages: None.
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Steve Bagley
Oct 17, 2019
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Extremely Long wearing Tire. Every set I have had lasts 1 year or more. Never have had a flat with them. The tread Design is Great. I have been buying these Kevlar tires for at Least 10 years now and have Never had any problems...! Thank you Sportaid for KEEPING these tires available. Price range is Reasonable for the time they last and I am Very active.

Advantages: Last a LONG time and are Basically BULLET PROOF.

Disadvantages: Would like to see Different Colors on the Side Walls as an option.
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William R.
Nov 14, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Without a doubt these are the very best high performance tires that can be found for the 1 3/8 rim size.

Advantages: Extremely puncture resistant and extreme wear resistant.

Disadvantages: yet to be discovered.
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