Price is not the only factor to consider when buying the Matrx-Vi Cushion, the fast delivery from Sportaid is a crowd pleaser!
When in search of excellent pressure reduction, count on the Invacare Matrx-Vi Cushion and bases. Get higher levels of comfort and proper positioning from the Matrx-Vi Cushion. The Matrx-Vi Cushion has been crafted as a great method of protection for users at moderate to high risk of skin breakdown.
- Anatomically designed molded Visco-elastic/HR foam combination includes pre-ischial contour, trochanteric shelf, beveled front-end
- Moisture resistant, zippered inner cover protects foam and allows easy access for cushion modification
- Moisture resistant/breathable outer cover available in black or appealing Kid*ab*ra fabric
- Optional Pelvic Obliquity Kit/ Leg Length Discrepancy/Seat Depth Reduction
- Lightweight, maintenance free