Home :: Wound Care Products :: Wound Care Dressings :: DuoDERM CGF Control Gel Formula Dressing 2.5" x 2.5" with 3/4" border BX 5

DuoDERM CGF Control Gel Formula Dressing 2.5" x 2.5" with 3/4" border BX 5

Price is not the only thing that matters when it comes to buying DuoDERM CGF Control Gel Formula Dressing 2.5" x 2.5" with 3/4" border BX 5, live customer service is priceless!


DuoDERM CGF Control Gel Formula Dressing offers real protection against the possibility contamination of wounds. DuoDERM CGF control gel formula dressing products manage interaction with wound exudate and allows for smooth removal with little or no damage. DuoDERM CGF control gel formula sterile dressing is a hydrocolloid, so it retains moisture and is suited for use on partial and full-thickness wounds. CGF control gel formula has been designated for use on dermal ulcers including full-thickness wounds such as pressure ulcers (Stage II - IV), leg ulcers, superficial wounds, partial thickness burns and donor sites. By lowering wound pH, creating a bacterial and viral barrier, and remaining intact with no leakage. DuoDERM CGF control gel formula maintains a moist environment.


  • 2.5" x 2.5"
  • 3/4" adhesive border
  • Box 5, Sterile
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