Home :: Urologicals & Catheters :: Bard Catheter Supplies & Urologicals :: Bard Silicone Elastomer Coated Latex Catheter 30cc

Bard Silicone Elastomer Coated Latex Catheter 30cc

Price is not the only factor to consider when buying Bard Silicone Elastomer Coated Latex Catheters 30cc, the fast delivery from Sportaid is a crowd pleaser!


As you expect from this quality Bard Silicone Elastomer Coated Latex Catheter, it is sterile and a short length with 2 opposing eyes. Urethral irritation won't be a problem with the Bard Silicone Elastomer Coated Latex Catheter's protective coating. Save BIG on your Bard Silicone Elastomer Coated Latex Catheter now at Sportaid.

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Average customer rating:
(1 reviews)  

1 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Charles Lambert
Apr 8, 2016
I like this product: Bard silicone elastomer latex coating Catheter 30cc So it would be a good quality product. But 5 stars is excellent value.
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