Home :: Urologicals & Catheters :: Bard Catheter Supplies & Urologicals :: Bard Extension Tubes Latex-Free 18"

Bard Extension Tubes Latex-Free 18"

Price isn't all that matters when you are considering buying Bard Extension Tubes Latex-Free 18", excellent customer service is priceless!


Bard has the perfect solution for attaching a foley or external catheter to a leg bag or a night drainage bag, the Bard 18" Latex Free Extension Tubes.  Non-Latex - clear silicone. Sterile. Work with most attachments. 5/16" I.D.

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Average customer rating:
(1 reviews)  

1 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Alan Schreuder
Mar 17, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Arrived quickly, well packaged and exactly as described.

Advantages: Easier than running out to the store! I like that these tubes are clear and easy to attach.

Disadvantages: A little longer than my husband needs but they are easily cut to the length he needs.YI85V
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