Home :: Wheelchair Wheels, Tires, Tubes & Parts :: Wheelchair Handrims :: Aluminum Anodized Wheelchair Handrims - Choose Size and Attachment Types

Aluminum Anodized Wheelchair Handrims - Choose Size and Attachment Types

Price is not the only factor to consider when buying Aluminum Anodized Wheelchair Handrims, the fast delivery from Sportaid is a crowd pleaser!


Sportaid will provide the best deals on Aluminum Anodized Wheelchair Handrims meant for everyday use. Choose your wheel size, profile, attachment type, material, and coating type to get the custom Aluminum Anodized Wheelchair Handrims you want. Our available sizes included 22" (501), 24" (540), 25" (559), 26" (590) with a round profile for ergonomic oval see Natural Fit Handrims. The Aluminum Anodized Wheelchair Handrims' mounting options include 6 Tab Mount or 12 Tab Mount and the Coatings are Clear Anodized.



  • Sizes 22" (501), 24" (540), 25" (559), 26" (590)
  • Profile - round, (for ergonomic oval see Natural Fit Handrims)
  • Mounting - 6 Tab Mount or 12 Tab Mount
  • Coatings - Clear Anodized
  • Sold in pairs
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(1 reviews)  

1 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Nov 12, 2021
This customer purchased the item at our site.
These push rims replaced the original short-tab push rims on a set of Sun Wheels. Went with the short tab option when I purchased this set in order to have doorway clearance in my older house. Color is a very light silver. Clear plastic is on the tabs. There is no rounding of the edges on the tabs, like the Sun push rims had done to them, but there are no sharp edges. These are a great option if you need or want to change your push rims.
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