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ADI Carbon Fiber Solid Seat Base

Price is not the only thing that matters when it comes to buying your new ADI Carbon Fiber Solid Seat Base, great customer service is priceless!


The ADI Carbon Fiber Solid Seat Base features an all new carbon fiber seating system that is composed of an ultra lightweight backrest and solid seat base that open up a whole world of benefits. Active wheelchair users who sport lightweight wheelchairs can especially benefit from the ADI Carbon Fiber Solid Seat Base. If you don't currently understand the significance of proper seating in conjuction with super light and ultra strong components, the ADI Carbon Fiber Solid Seat Base can show you.

The ADI Carbon Fiber Solid Seat Base sports an ergonomical design that supports proper posture. Upright posture is a primary focus of the ADI Carbon Fiber Solid Seat Base's seating system. This, by distributing forces more evenly throughout the pelvic base of support, eases the strain on your lower back caused by long days of high activity in your wheelchair. The developers behind the ADI Carbon Fiber Solid Seat Base understand the proper support is necessary for reducing pain and increasing comfort.

If you are new to the wheelchair game, or if you have tried all the other less effictient and phony supportive options out there, we are sure the ADI Carbon Fiber Solid Seat Base will serve as a pleasant shock to your senses. Get the most support with the least weight added.


  • Carbon fiber material adds strength without adding weight
  • Helps deter progression of postural deformities
  • Facilitates upright seating in chair
  • Reduces back pain
  • Mounts on most rigid chairs
  • Weight limit 200 lbs


Seat bases are not returnable

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