Sportaid's customer service people are amazingly helpful! The company's product selection is amazing as well! On those two points, I have no complaints at all!
However, where dissatisfaction begins to rear its ugly head is in shipping. I placed my order on February 1, 2022, and today is 23 February, and I still have not received my new wheelchair cushion. I am very familiar with the state of shipping delays at present, so I would be far less frustrated right now if, at any point between February 1 and today, I had gotten any notification from the company that my order has been delayed and the possible reasons why.
I'm not at all trying to be angry or difficult. It's just that I am a power wheelchair user that spends a lot of his time in his wheelchair. Had I known getting the new cushion would take upwards of the month, I might have selected expedited shipping or another vendor entirely.
Thank you