Mr. Lee Hartlieb
Mar 15, 2019
This customer purchased the item at our site.
These catheters are good for men/boys who have active lives and have kind of short, retractable penises. I wear the MT-8305 intermediate size. I include boys in this review because I have been disabled since age 10; I am 48 years old now. Had my parents realized the benefits of using catheters, they would have gotten me out of diapers long before they did after my injury. After my TBI, I was back in diapers from age 10-17. When I was 17 is when my parents found these catheters.
Advantages: The advanages of using catheters over diapers are:
•no more diaper rash/jock itch a.k.a.
yeast infections
•for adolescent boys, caths spare them
the psychological trauma of wearing
diapers during their sexual exploration
•you will no longer have a smelly
garbage pail sitting around in your
•you will be able to become more
mobile instead of being scared to go
outside your home lest you have to
change yourself where you are unable.
•you will no longer have to worry about
smelling like amonia where you go
I am certain there are more.
Disadvantages: The disadvantages of catheters include:
•the bags they connect to, like all
bladders, have a limited capacity. When
full, the bag won't fail, the catheter will.
•same thing will happen if the cath is
twisted or hose is obstructed

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