Racing Handrim Washer with Rubber Back

Price isn't all that matters when you are considering buying Racing Handrim Washer with Rubber Back, excellent customer service is priceless!


Racing Handrim Washer

  • Used for attaching racing handrims
  • #8 I.D. x 5/8" O.D.
  • Aluminum washer with Neoprene rubber backing
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Average customer rating:
(1 reviews)  

1 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Joe Booth
May 26, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
These washers are just right. Good price and fast shipping.

Advantages: They already have the rubber attached to them so you don't have to fumble through making your own.

Disadvantages: They are still small and my fumble hands don't like that. Until the technology exists to make the BIG and once installed have them shrink down to the right size I am just out of luck on that LOL.
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