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Jay J3 Wheelchair Back Replacement Covers

Price is not the only thing that matters when it comes to buying Jay J3 Wheelchair Back Replacement Covers, live customer service is priceless!


Replacement Covers for Jay J3 Wheelchair Back.  To ensure proper fit, please provide the serial number off the back.  It can be located on the hard shell.  This will reduce the probability of the wrong cover being ordered, restock fees, and shipping costs. 

Replacement foam pad available but not included in price of replacement cover.  Please call customer service for pricing.

 Due to the variety of configurations, pricing may vary from the quoted amount.  You will be contacted before the order is processed if there is a price difference. 


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Was your back ordered from factory on an R7 chair?  
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Average customer rating:
(3 reviews)  

3 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Sarah Werner
Aug 20, 2019
This customer purchased the item at our site.
This cover made my backrest look like new again! It is all black, a lot nicer than the earlier blue and black version, and has spandex on the outer layer, which looks better than the webbed fabric and is cooler on the skin. It came in about a week, which is good for something that ships from the manufacturer.

Advantages: Nice look.
Arrived quickly.
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Oct 4, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Thanks, good product
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Melissa Madole
Feb 15, 2021
This customer purchased the item at our site.
This replacement cover is such a nice upgrade from the old style. The old style had an abrasive texture to it so it would ball up my clothes. However, the new style is smooth!

Advantages: New smooth style is huge improvement and won't damage my clothes.

Disadvantages: None so far.
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