Spinergy Spox Wheelchair Spokes

Price is not the only thing that matters when it comes to buying Spinergy Spox Wheelchair Spokes, live customer service is priceless!


Look here if your Spinergy Spox Wheelchair wheels require replacement wheelchair spokes. Enter wheel diameter and wheelchair spoke color and take home the right Spinergy spokes.

Silver spoke nipples are no longer offered by the manufacturer - black is still available.

These spokes fit SPOX Wheelchair wheels only - NOT Spinergy LX/SLX.

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Average customer rating:
(2 reviews)  

2 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Nov 14, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Purchased to repair a wheel that lost a spoke (plus extras, which was a good idea). Seems to work fine; spokes are installed now.

Sportaid customer service was wonderful in helping me find what spoke size I needed, as I couldn't remember. :) Thank you!

Advantages: Neat colors; used different colors to add a bit of "pop" to my black wheels / spokes. Figured I could also use that for helping to know when I replaced them and how long they last.

Disadvantages: None known at this time. Very happy with my purchase.
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Mark Bittick
Nov 21, 2019
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Ordered black and blue spokes that were perfect for the new paint colors on the wheels and push rim.

Advantages: Gave the refurbished wheels a pop with the two colors.

Disadvantages: None
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