Home :: Wheelchair Wheels, Tires, Tubes & Parts :: Wheelchair Front Casters :: 4" Wheelchair Front Casters :: 4" x 1" Wheelchair Poly Caster, 2 Colors Available

4" x 1" Wheelchair Poly Caster, 2 Colors Available

Price is not the only factor to consider when buying 4" x 1" Wheelchair Poly Caster, the fast delivery from Sportaid is a crowd pleaser!



  • 4" x 1" Wheelchair hard poly caster
  • Available in Green and Red
  • Includes pre-installed bearings
  • Priced per pair
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Average customer rating:
(5 reviews)  

5 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Decent replacement for a Quickie Caster. I didn't care for the bearings. They don't roll as freely as Quickie's bearings.
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Armando Arias
Feb 8, 2020
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Love it!
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Shana Sjoberg
Dec 23, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Wears well and lasts a long time. Great value for the money
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Jul 17, 2015
I bought these in green for my last TiLite chair, I got so many complements on them and they looked fabulous with my green Spox Lx rear wheels. I have the orange LX's now and am returning to purchase the orange casters. They look snazzy going across the tennis or basketball court and just out on the town.

Advantages: Cost, quick and easy replacement for original casters, long lasting, bright fun colors.

Disadvantages: None.
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Jeff Ferguson
Jul 24, 2021
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Well, these casters are GREAT for my rolling stairs in my factory. I looked far and wide for replacements, and these are the only 4"H, 1"W casters I could find with the correct size center hole! They ride like gliding on air!
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