Home :: Wheelchair Accessories :: Wheelchair Tire Accessories :: Tuffy Wheelchair Tire Liners - Dependable Flat Protection - Pair

Tuffy Wheelchair Tire Liners - Dependable Flat Protection - Pair

Price is not the only factor to consider when buying Tuffy Wheelchair Tire Liners, the fast delivery from Sportaid is a crowd pleaser!


Protect your tires from punctures with the Tuffy Wheelchair Tire Liners and enjoy a worry-free wheelchair ride. The tire liners are easily installed between the tire and the tube. Tuffy Tire Liners are 1-3/8" wide, but are suitable for 1" wide tires. The Tire Liners are lighter than liquid fills or thorn resistant tubes.

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Knobby Tire Tube 25" x 2" (50-559) Schrader Valve
Natural Fit Handrim - Handrim only by Out-Front
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(2 reviews)  

2 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Sean Vaz
Mar 3, 2021
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Easy to install.

Advantages: Peace of mind when going through off road terrain.

Disadvantages: I’ve yet to find any reasons why you shouldn’t want to use this product.
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Nov 2, 2018
If you are running Primo tires or any tire that has a tube, then these are a must have. I have kept the same liners for going on 6 years now and have gone through countless tires with no flats.
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