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Magic Bullets Suppositories - Box of 100

Magic Bullets Suppositories - Box of 100
(31 reviews)  

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The Magic Bullet suppository -  MB-CCMB Magic Bullets Suppositories - Box of 100


Sportaid brings an all new, faster acting, safe and sure 10mg. Magic Bullet bisacodyl suppositories. The difference is clear when you compare the Magic Bullets Suppositories to Dulcolax, other bisacodyls, Theravac/Enemeez, and Ceo-Two. The Magic Bullets suppository uses exclusive technology to help minimize the cost and excessive time called for by most bowel programs.


Magic Bullet suppositories do not employ the over exposed oil base (hydrogenated vegetable oil) like Dulcolax and other bisacodyls, by which the oil base must melt before the bisacodyl is able to stimulate the bowel to contract and get the stool moving. The Magic Bullets Suppositories use a water soluble base (polyethel glycol) while stimulating the bowel and making bisacodyl disperse within minutes following insertion. The bowel movement is completed sooner is the stimulation begins sooner. That is how the Magic Bullets Suppositories saves time compared to most bowel programs.


Users of the Magic Bullets Suppositories report that with using these bisacodyl suppositories, has improved evacuations and shortened the time they take. They have even reported increased confidence levels, and it comes down to one word, MAGIC!


Before ordering please refer to the FAQs so any of your questions or concerens may be answered. Magic Bullets suppository laxatives are designed to help those with bowel incontinence minimize cost and excessive time involved in most bowel programs. The Magic Bullet water soluble base speeds up stimulation for quicker results. The magic bullet suppository contains 10 mg Bisacodyl USP. The Magic Bullets Suppositories come in 100 count boxes, individually sealed.





  • Water soluble base speeds up stimulation
  • Increased confidence levels
  • Does not employ the over exposed oil base
  • Saves time compared to most bowel programs
  • Better, more complete evacuations
  • Comparatively inexpensive

Exclusive Offer for Magic Bullets Suppositories - Box of 100

  • Save 34% on each purchase of Magic Bullets Suppositories - Box of 100
  • Low price with genuine products quality at Sportaid
  • Excellent FREE customer support services



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Magic Bullets  
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Average customer rating:
(31 reviews)  

5 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
These work! I've been a paraplegic for 35 years. My bowel routine had been very consistent and easy for 25 years. But then about 10 years ago I started having trouble getting things moving. The thought of using a magic bullet was at first 'ewe', but I became accustomed to it. I insert the bullet. Within 10 minutes I perch on the can. And withing another 5 minutes my bowels start doing their thing. I do have to use digits to be sure all is finished. A diet to keep stuff soft and watery makes the process work better. I also mix a drink of Mira Lax once/day to help keep stuff soft.
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Scott Melton
May 3, 2014
These are the only things that work for me. Been more than 20 years since I even tried anything else.

Advantages: Water based so they work fast. No waiting an hour like with glycerin products. I even have an emergency supply in the freezer. Two years later they still work fast.

Disadvantages: Occasionally in short supply.
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Mar 2, 2021
I have been using the bullets for 21 years and there is nothing better than the magic bullet.

Advantages: The magic bullet is the only water based suppository on the market because there is a patent on the product i am told.

Disadvantages: Only disadvantage that i can think of is cost of the product.
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Dec 17, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I have been a quadriplegic for 39 years and used to use Dulcolax suppositories, after 3 or 4 years they stopped working as good as they used to, there are times I would go a week without having a bowel movement even though I would have a bowel program every other day. I decided to give the Magic Bullet a try, the first we tried it I started to have results after about 10 minutes and 30+ years later we are still working just as well.

Advantages: Fast working

Disadvantages: none
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Robin Whiffen
Oct 1, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
As a T3 para, I have used these for about 10 years or so. They speed up my getting off the loo which is much healthier for me. We cannot get Magic Bullet easily in the UK and they are forbidden by most local government health bodies, preferring to recommend ordinary bisacodyl suppositories. Magic bullets work for me so, good on the USA, keep producing them and I will keep buying them.

Advantages: Quicker on toileting. Healthier.

Disadvantages: US Post is so expensive so I get friends to bring them over to the UK.
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