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Wheelchair Sports Click Straps

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Wheelchair Sports Click Straps Knee/Waist Belts create a level of security in your wheelchair that keeps your body exactly where you want it. This is where true safety and comfort comes from. With every belt, you get two highly dense EVA foam pads and four heavy duty zip ties that attach the Wheelchair Click Straps to your wheelchair. You can get your belts in a set or individually, but don't get into any highly active sports with no Wheelchair Click Straps.


  • Knee/Leg belt (Each pad measures approx 8")
  • Waist belt (Each pad measures approx 11 1/2")
  • Optional Brackets (for 1" dia tubing only)
  • Both belts feature an easy-to-use ratchet on each pad for ease of adjustment
  • Each belt includes 2 pads with 1/4" high density EVA foam
  • Each belt includes 4 heavy duty zip ties for attachment to your chair
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Average customer rating:
(3 reviews)  

3 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Mitzi Bowen
Apr 21, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
The straps are great! The only problem was there were no directions in box and we had to wait for somebody to explain how to attach it to the chair.
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John Giannantoni
Dec 21, 2019
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Very good quality, best price I found. Would recommend this site to all.

Advantages: I don’t fall on my face.

Disadvantages: None so far.
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Dan Caliendo
Dec 28, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I've had problems with my feet coming off of the footplate because of spasms. This strap keeps my feet on the footplate. Most people use this for sports; but there are other reasons you don't want to be running over your own foot. I did have to order additional straps since I'm using it on a power chair and what they sent was too short. (an additional $6.00 each).

Advantages: Keeps your feet and legs where they need to be.
Easy to use.

Disadvantages: Be sure the strap (instead of the padded part) isn't against your shin.
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